Proxmox Backupspace


This Proxmox Backup product is based on Proxmox's Backup Server ( PBS ) and offers you a solution to backup your proxmox virtual servers or your linux servers in an easy and secure way. The backups can be encrypted and are transfered incrementally and compressed while your data is deduplicated on the storage to save space for you.

BackuplocationAS NumberMax. PortspeedShoplink
Frankfurt/Main in Germany - FRA1AS3504210 Gbit/sOrder now
Paris in France - PAR1AS19991210 Gbit/sOrder now

Prices here are exclusive VAT. 
Monthly contract.

Discounts apply for long term prepayments:

3 months = 5% discount
6 months = 10% discount
12 months = 20% discount


  • 1x Useraccount and private Datastore
  • Usable with Proxmox VE or Linuxservers
  • Configurable Backupspace from
    1 TB - 100 TB
  • N+2 Disk redundancy for the Backupservers
  • IPv4 and IPv6 Connectivity
  • All Traffic ( up and down ) included
  • Up -and Downgrades any time possible

Need more? Contact us!

Noone can know it all. Here are some core features explained in short so you judge if they are a useful choice for you or not.


Incremental Backups will copy only the data that is actually changed since your last backup.
This way you will save up to 99.99% of data that you will not need to transfere as it did not change.
Since you dont need to transfere most of your data, your backup process will be fastly finished and not putting additional pressure on your servers.


Compression will reduce the amount of space your data will need on the backup space by compressing the data using mathematical algorithms while preserving their original structure and content.

In this case the algorithm ZSTD comes into play which is very fast and offers a high compression ratio between original data and compressed data.


Deduplication will make sure that identical data will be saved only one time across different objects that you backup.
Imagine you backup multiple servers or docker container, while each of them will have the same OS or default install.
So actually its always the same base system and this way the same data. Deduplication will help you saving valuable space on your backupspace.